In the video below, I create a new dimension and a new center line without knowing what layer or style they have. Regardless of your current settings, such as Layer, Dim Style, Text Style… You can easily recreate an existing object by simply selecting the object, Right-click and select “Add Selected” from the right-click menu. The tool ADDSELECTED has been in AutoCAD since ACAD 2011 and It has saved me a lot of time.

You can even write a script to do this if you would like to do it automatically. Note: As long as the text style and table style are not being used by objects in the drawing, this tip should work to get rid of these styles from your drawing.

What makes it worse is that the purge command doesn’t purge this style even if it isn’t being used by any objects in your drawing. But this style has made its way into so many other drawings and is frustrating for those who simply don’t want it in their drawings. From what I have read, the “Legend” text style comes from AutoCAD Map.